There are so many aspects of Catholicism that I could write about, but this blog's focus is on family traditions. Do you have one that you'd like to share? A Catholic custom or a family recipe relating to a Feast day or holy day? I'd love to hear about it. Please drop me a line and share the way your family celebrates your Catholic heritage.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

World Day of Prayer for Vocations - May 15, 2011

In his address to the faithful on this, the 48th annual World Day of Prayer for Vocations, the Holy Father says, The ability to foster vocations is a hallmark of the vitality of a local Church.”  Hm.  What are we doing in our parish, our school, and in our families to foster vocations?  Are we actually fostering and encouraging them in our children?  I have one son, and while I’d be awed and humbled if he chose to follow God’s call in the Church, I don’t know that I’m actively promoting it.  I believe that we, as his parents, are encouraging him to think about his vocation in life, but I confess that the religious life has been presented to him as one choice among many.  Why is that?  Why is it so hard to give God the most important things, and so easy to convince ourselves that giving from our surplus is good enough? 

We have a daughter, too.  At the moment, her temperament is more suited to a career as a professional rugby player than a nun (we're keeping our fingers crossed that she'll soften up a bit).  If she doesn't have a vocation to the religious life, then I can at least foster a respect for vocations in her.  When she’s a teenager, if a boy in her class admits to a religious vocation, will she roll her eyes and say, “You’re a freak,” or will she say, “That’s so cool; tell me about it!” ?   When a child's peers consider a vocation a to be good (read: socially acceptable) thing, then it naturally becomes a more popular thing.  We all know that the opposite is also true. 

Now, instilling the desired mindset in our children is largely up to us as parents.  What an overwhelming responsibility! ...and yet, what an amazing, profound honor.        

Prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood

Lord Jesus Christ, Shepherd of souls, who called the apostles to be fishers of men, raise up new apostles in your holy Church. Teach them that to serve you is to reign: to possess you is to possess all things. Kindle in the hearts of our people the fire of zeal for souls. Make them eager to spread your Kingdom upon earth. Grant them courage to follow you, who are the Way, the Truth, and the Life; who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.


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